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The Faculty receives copies of Student Support Documents from the Accessibility and Resource Centre (ADRC). A Student Support Document (SSD) is a summary of recommendations for supporting and teaching disabled students.  It consists of recommendations specific to the student and subject studied, which are concise and focussed. These are sent to seminar leaders where attendance is known in advance. However, an SSD is an advisory, summary document, so if you would like to discuss your needs with seminar leaders in person or with the EDI Officer, please get in touch with them. For lectures where attendance is not known in advance, you should contact the lecturer if you need any adaptation to make their teaching more accessible.

The Faculty will make every effort to meet support requirements, in co-operation with Colleges, the University central administration and the ADRC. Impairments which have been accommodated in the past include dyslexia, visual impairment, restricted mobility and chronic illness. Advice and support is available through the ADRC.

Where study is interrupted due to disability-related circumstances, the College may apply to the Student Registry for examination access arrangements. All personal information is kept completely confidential amongst those members of Faculty who need to be informed.