The Faculty is keen to receive feedback from students to help us address any problems and celebrate any successes.
Where you have an immediate issue that we could resolve quickly, please do come and talk to us in the Administration Office or pop in to see the Custodian if there's an issue with the facilities. You can also call or email a member of the administrative team or one of the academic officers (e.g. Director of Undergraduate Studies or Director of Graduate Studies).
In order to contribute to longer-term discussions in the Faculty, we would encourage you to get to know and make good use of your student representatives and to attend our Staff-Student Committee You are also welcome to drop in and meet with the Faculty Chair (Professor Marina Frolova-Walker) in her Faculty office any time the door is open or by making an appointment with her.
We hope that you will be happy to discuss any concerns with us, but if you would prefer your comments to be anonymous, you can use our online feedback form.
In addition, the Faculty will invite all students to complete questionnaires regarding their teaching on a regular basis, with informal mid-course surveys used to give immediate feedback to Lecturers and course leaders and end of course data collected to help plan and adjust teaching for future years (click here for recent Lecturer responses). The Faculty would also encourage you to present your views on the course overall as part of university wide surveys.
We hope it is unlikely that you will ever need to make a formal complaint, but should you find yourself in this position, please follow this guidance.
Student Representatives
Faculty Representatives are there to ensure that students have a voice in their academic experience at Cambridge. They attend Faculty meetings, including Faculty Board (for unreserved business - generally to discuss matters which are not personal to individuals or concerned with specific examinations), Staff-Student Committees and Teaching/Library Committees. As well as discussing issues that relate directly to your course and the Faculty, Committees are often asked to respond to wider University matters such as consultations on student workloads and National Student Survey results.
Therefore it is vital for students to have an input to these discussions!
Representatives may also be asked to collate feedback from students on specific issues or to respond to questions submitted via the feedback forms. They are also invited by CUSU to attend their Forum Meetings.
The Faculty has four student representatives, elected in Michaelmas Term: two undergraduates and two postgraduates (one Masters, one PhD). In addition, volunteers from areas of the student body that do not have an elected rep are invited to join the Staff-Student Committees.
To contact your representatives, email: student-reps@mus.cam.ac.uk
Current student representatives (from February 2024) are:
- Dani Walker
- Harry Appleby-Taylor
- MPhil: Catherine Tan
- PhD: Nicholas Ong
Please see the following videos for information on the Academic rep system from the Students Union.
Standing as a Student Representative
Although forms can be signed if you wish, you are also able to complete these anonymously and can choose to send your comments to the Faculty Chair, to your Student Representatives or to the Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. To complete the form, please click here.
Student Complaints Procedure
Where a student is dissatisfied with any provision, action or inaction by the University students are able to raise a complaint. Students are expected to initially raise a complaint with a suitable member of staff within the Faculty, in the first instance this is the Chair of the Faculty Board. However, where the matter is serious or where students remain dissatisfied, a complaint can be raised with the central University. Complaints need to be raised in a timely way and within 28 days to ensure an effective remedy can be put in place. Find further information here: www.studentcomplaints.admin.cam.ac.uk/student-complaints.
Examination Review Procedure
Where a student is dissatisfied with examination results, the Examination Review Procedure can be initiated within 28 days of formal notification of the results. Find further information here: www.studentcomplaints.admin.cam.ac.uk/examination-reviews.
Student and staff behaviour
Where a student is dissatisfied with the behaviour of another student or a staff member because it amounts to harassment or sexual misconduct then the student can raise this with the University, so that action can be taken. Find further information here: www.studentcomplaints.admin.cam.ac.uk/reporting
Additional mechanisms for responding to postgraduate student concerns
The University understands that there are additional barriers for postgraduate students to raise complaints about their University experience, particularly PhD students, because of the close relationships that they develop with staff and their reliance on individual staff members' good will. As a result, the University is currently conducting a pilot which enables postgraduate students to provide anonymous feedback through their College Graduate Tutors to the Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (OSCCA), or directly through OSCCA, which will then be shared with the Department or Faculty. This will not be able to lead to direct formal investigation due to its anonymous nature. However, the Department and Faculty will be able to take it into account and reflect on the feedback and any change that this may require. To report a concern contact OSCCA@admin.cam.ac.uk.