Computer Room
The Computer Room contains twelve Apple iMacs, eight of which have attached MIDI keyboards. All Apple computers have Sibelius, Microsoft Office, Logic Pro, REAPER, MATLAB and a wide range of other software.
Research Room
Used by postgraduate researchers, the Research Room contains some highly specialised hardware and software. Facilities include an audio/HD video workstation running Pro Tools LE and The Observer XT, a sound booth providing a quiet location for experiments and SuperLab stimulus presentation software. Other software includes Matlab, SPSS, IRCAM Forumnet, HLSYN and wide range of freeware including Sonic Visualiser, Praat, Wavesurfer, STRAIGHT etc.
Resources Outside the Faculty
The University Information Services (UIS) website provides links to Computing Guides for new users along with a guide to email at Cambridge and details of computing support within the University. The UIS team also provides a range of training courses.