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This registration form is for students interested in attending the Faculty of Music Taster Day for Year 11 and Year 12 students, taking place on Saturday 13 July 2024, from 11am-4pm (registration from 10.30am).

To apply, please complete this form by 5pm on Friday 5 July 2024.

Please note that places are limited and you will be contacted by email to confirm whether or not you have been allocated a place for this event. If you do not receive a response with 7 working days, please contact

Our Taster Days provide students from non-fee-paying schools and colleges with a chance to explore just how rich and varied the study of music can be. The event, which runs from 11am-4pm, will include two taster lectures, tours of the Faculty, and a talk and Q&A on studying music at Cambridge, with a panel of staff and current undergraduates.

This is a widening participation initiative for students in Year 11 and Year 12 from maintained sector schools. Priority will be given to applicants that fill one or more of the following criteria: schools with low participation in HE; students who would be first generation in family to attend university; students who qualify for free school meals; students with experience of care.

Privacy Notice

The University of Cambridge and its Colleges are committed to widening participation to higher education. Each year hundreds of events are offered resulting in thousands of interactions with those considering an application to university. In order to ensure that these events are as effective as possible we conduct detailed evaluation and tracking analysis. This does not impact on an individual's application in any way but enables us to continually adapt and improve our activities.

For more information about how your personal information will be used by us in connection with the administration of this event, and for related purposes, see and Please contact the Music Outreach Coordinator ( with any questions in the first instance.

If you have any questions about completing this form, or about our taster days in general, please email: .

Please note that Taster Days are only for students at state or maintained sector schools, or students who are homeschooled. If you are at an independent school, please register for a Music Masterclass.
The above question allows us to make any arrangements or adjustments that may be required for the event. Any information collected here will only be used for event organisation and will be destroyed afterwards. Choosing not to provide this information may mean we are unable to make any adjustments required for you to participate fully in the event. If you do not inform us about something for which you require adjustment, or which affects your safe participation in the event, this may result in you being unable to participate. If you would prefer to discuss this on the phone, or if your situation changes at any point, please email the Music Outreach Coordinator: