Paolo Furlani graduated in Clarinet, Choral Music, Wind Band Orchestration and Composition from the Venice Conservatory.
Most of his operas have been performed: El roverso mondo (The Upside-down World), published by Sonzogno (Udine 1995); Il teatrino delle maraviglie (The Theatre of Wonders) from Cervantes (Lugo 1995); Le parole al buio (Words in the Darkness), published by Ricordi (Spoleto 1998); Incanto di Natale (Christmas Enchantment) performed in 2000 and 2004 at Social Theatre of Rovigo. Singin’ in the Brain, an “opera-flash” (Ferentino 2000). La casa dei mostri (The House of Monsters) was staged in 2003 by La Fenice Theatre of Venice (repeated in 2006, 2007, 2014 in different Italian stages); published by Ricordi. Il principe granchio (The Crab Prince), a chamber opera (Modena 2006). Il vestito nuovo dell’imperatore (The Emperor’s New Clothes) a chamber opera for children, staged in Savona (2009) and Genoa (2010), repeated in Venice, Pordenone and Incheon (South Korea); published by Ricordi. The Water Babies – Bambini acquatici, a “chamber, river and ocean opera, in 3 parts” (Rovigo 2014). A production of the opera Vacances à Tataouine, (2016) is setting in Paris. The farce Rinaldo gottoso (Rinaldo becomes fat) will be staged on 2024 in Padua.
His symphonic tale Pinocchio in… variazioni! has been performed in a few different Italian cities, by local orchestras.