Listed below are some of the actions we are carrying out as part of the Green Impact scheme as well as another initiatives we have implemented indpendently.
In 2020-2021 we achieve a Bronze award.
What's changed?
Smart screen in the foyer displaying sustainable travel information
Clearly labelled bins
Clearly labelled bank light switches
Environmental awareness posters and stickers in office areas
Sending regular emails on our progress and wider sustainability issues
Taking part in University environmental events and campaigns, such as the Single-Out and Let's Talk Transport campaigns
We have also:
Consulted with the Sustainability Team about boiler and chiller works in the building
Three members of our team carried out a litter pick as part of the Preventing Plastic Pollution project run by the Rivers Trust. We picked litter on the Sidgiwck Site for two hours and uploaded data about the items we found.
In May 2021 we ran a pedometer challenge involving staff and students from across the University. Between us we achieved a whopping 6,525,725 steps!
In June 2021 we took part in the Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild challenge, posting suggestions of activites for each day.
In 2021-22 we are aiming to achieve a Silver award.
What's changed?
Two additional bike parking racks in our car park
Our Quick Guide to Purchasing has been updated to include a statement on considering the energy efficiency of electrical equipment bought.
There is a display in the staff room where staff share their sustainable recipe ideas
We have updated posters in our department, encouraging waste reduction, reuse and recycling schemes
Dual-flushig toilets have been labelled so that users know which button is for the half flush
We ran an event bringing together a range of speakers and musical performance to explore the intersection between music and climate change
We carried out a stationery amnesty, collecting unused items at individual workstations to pool together our equipment for general use. We also gave away lots of unwanted items on WarpIt!
Our custodians carrier out an energy audit to identify energy-saving opportunites and we also now using SystemsLink to check our energy usage
Communication with staff on the University's sustainable travel iniatives
We make sure electrical waste is disposed of correctly and in accordance with University guidelines