We are delighted to announce that Prof. Catherine A. Bradley will be joining the Faculty in the autumn of 2024, to take up the position of Assistant Professor in Early Music. Currently at the University of Oslo, she is a leading authority on plainchant-based polyphony in thirteenth-century Paris. Her latest book, Authorship and Identity in Late Thirteenth-Century Motets, came out as an RMA Monograph in 2022. Her current research project, funded by an ERC Consolidator grant, tracks the story of church music and convent practices from 1000 to 1500 through the lens of a single, brief, liturgical exhortation: ‘Benedicamus Domino’.
Bradley is holder of the 2023 Royal Musical Association Dent Medal and won the American Musicological Society’s Early Music Award for her first monograph, Polyphony in Medieval Paris (2018). She is co-editor of the journal Plainsong and Medieval Music.